Andrew Advancing

Releasing My Life in Months

September 17, 2020 | 1 Minute Read |

This week marked the first official release of a web application by Disco Tray Studios. We have finally sent off My Life in Months into the world! This is quite the historic achievement by our little group, and I’m excited to know that this is only the first in the huge array of projects that we have in store for Disco Tray Studios. Right now we have people setting up our official website, and other people setting up a little demo project to run off of our school’s servers. This demo project is intended to educate us on how to integrate our projects into the school’s servers. I’m excited to contribute to a website that won’t be hosted on GitHub!

This semester I have learned a lot about using git and GitHub. I had learned a little during the summer, but this contributing so heavily to My Life in Months has made me so much more comfortable using it. Working on My Life in Months has also given me a lot of experience working long-term on a project that is being deployed. It’s amazing getting to see the incremental growth that each push to the main branch has given to the website. I am also gaining a lot of experience with javascript. I can definitely see why javascript based websites are usually simpler than other more powerful frameworks. I often imagined that I was using the java language, but the two languages really are very different. When I’m writing in java, I feel like the language is a strict teacher who makes me follow very certain and well-defined rules. But when I’m writing in javascript, I feel like I have more freedom than I should. I appreciate the utility of javascript and jQuery, but I’m glad to know that our future projects won’t rely heavily on them.

Now it’s time for me to get the month picker implemented in My Life in Months. The plan is to have the month picker pushed to the main branch as soon as it is clean and bug free.