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October 03, 2019
Lab 5: Data Modeling
In this lab, some assumptions I had to make to design this ER and Vertabelo diagram is that the 5% that will be given to the auction company will be figured out through SQL queries. I also made an assumption that the auction company would not need to be represented in the models.
September 23, 2019
Web Frameworks Summary
Ruby on Rails is a web framework that is powered by the ruby programming language. This framework does a lot of the work for you in the background so there is not much that you need to understand about the SQL side of the code. However, understanding all of the interactions between the views and controllers etc can get complex, especially those new to web frameworks and ruby. Installation is simple and it’s a fast framework if you deal with the garbage collector properly, and it does some simple caching automatically once you create a project. It is past the hight of its popularity, but it is still a very popular framework.
September 23, 2019
Custom Templates
Custom Templates are a great tool to design good looking posts without having to worry too much about designing layout yourself. A part that were new to me was downloading another person’s code off of GitHub and then integrating the code with my own code. This integration was confusing to me because it took some time for me to figure out which parts of my code I needed to keep and which parts I needed to fully replace. It also took me a while to figure out how to edit the css code until I realized that I just needed to change the name of the image I was trying to include to the default image in the website.
September 17, 2019
Introduction Post
Creating this blog website was a new experience for me. I had navigated the terminal before but I had never used Ruby or jekyll. The only think I had much trouble on was figuring out if the version of Ruby that is currently on my mac would work for this project. I spent about thirty minutes trying to (unsuccessfully) update Ruby before I decided to continue on without doing so. Every other part of this assignment worked smoothly.