Recent Posts
October 22, 2020
Working With Razor
Razor pages are a powerful way to create web apps with ASP.NET. They allow you to contain the view of a page within one file, and the backend of the page within another C# file that is connected to the view. This week I was able to become more familiar with the methods of passing information between the user interface and the backend.
October 08, 2020
Making Progress on Hendrix Assessment
This week I met with Innocent and a couple of others in Disco Tray Studios to talk about the database, and our plans for the page that renders surveys for the teachers to fill out. Innocent and I worked with each other to create a plan so that we could have a functional demo working next Monday.
October 08, 2020
Giving Functionality to Hendrix Assessment
This week I worked on getting some working examples of ways we can update pages in ASP.NET. Innocent is working on getting the database functionality working in our ASP project, and he was wondering how we planned to get information updated on each page that the user was using. I was able to get a few different strategies to work.
October 02, 2020
Diving into PHP
I am finally done working on My Life in Months, and now it is time to start working on the Hendrix Assessment Project. This project is being completed by Disco Tray Studios for Hendrix College. We are tasked with creating a system for teachers to assess the progress and outcomes of the students in their classes. We also want some admins to be able to look at this data quickly and easily. We are lucky to have much of this project already implemented and thought out for us; however, we must take this already implement Laravel project and transfer it to ASP.NET Core.
September 24, 2020
Wrapping up MLIM
This week is the last week that we plan to be putting in a lot of work into My Life in Months. The only feature we have yet to release is the month picker feature. This feature allows users to select the starting and ending months of each of their life events. This setup allows users to create the charts much quicker using the number of months. Users no longer have to calculate the amount of months each of their events happened. This also reduces user error, which allows each user to create more accurate charts.