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September 04, 2021
Year Two of Disco Tray Studios
Year two of Disco Tray Studios has officially begun with the start of this school year at Hendrix College. It is the Fall semester of 2021-22, and classes are just beginning to get rolling.
March 09, 2021
Successful Meeting
Last week we had a very successful meeting with the faculty members who have ideas for games that they would like to be designed for their purposes. Some of the takeaways that I had from this meeting is that the faculty would need to get together all of the information that will be useful for the student developers. They will need to keep in mind that not all of these students are skilled or even familiar with the fields that the faculty are members of. I believe that it would be most productive if the faculty can make some detailed documentation about a the interactions that they expect in the game. They would also need to detail the outcomes of any action that is carried out in-game. In some scenarios, it may be beneficial to point the developers to some pre-existing resources, but, if these resources are explained at a really high level, the student developer may have a lot of trouble understanding the content.
March 02, 2021
More Assessment Progress
It is time to celebrate! I have finally located the issue with the admin CSV page. I finally decided that in order to replicate the issue on my local machine, I would have to add a lot more data to the local SQLite database. Fortunately, after I added a lot more data, I was able to replicate the machine and use Visual Studios’ debugging tools to pinpoint the issue.
February 23, 2021
Assessment Progress
We continue to make progress on the Hendrix Assessment website. The bugs on the CSV website continue to exist, but I am getting closer to finding the issue. Maybe I will soon be able to go through the project and clean up the confusing code. However, cleanup is always a much bigger task than it sounds like. I feel like I have learned a lot from working on the Hendrix Assessment project. I have learned that it is very beneficial to write clean code from the very beginning. I believe that if our code was more well split up into classes, that it would take us much less time to find bugs and edit the existing pages. I also think that problems will arise when new developers are brought on to make changes to the code. The only reason I am able to effectively make changes is because I am one of the main developers who implemented a lot of the code.
February 16, 2021
CSV Bugs
This week I worked on fixing some bugs that appeared in the admin CSV page. This page is dedicated to displaying the results of all of the assessments to the admin. One of the bugs is that Assessment Options of some classes gets duplicated at attributed to the wrong classes. I believe that this is a problem with the query that gets the Assessment Options from the database. I was able to fix this issue on my machine, but for some reason the problem remains on the remote website. We were able to give this issue a closer look during the meeting, but none of the other members of Disco Tray Studios could come up with a solution. Hopefully, I can resolve this issue this week.