Andrew Advancing

Making Progress on Hendrix Assessment

October 08, 2020 | 1 Minute Read |

This week I met with Innocent and a couple of others in Disco Tray Studios to talk about the database, and our plans for the page that renders surveys for the teachers to fill out. Innocent and I worked with each other to create a plan so that we could have a functional demo working next Monday.

My role in our plan is to let Innocent know of everything that I need from the database so that he can write queries using Entity Framework Core. I just need to give him the types of the functions that I need and a short description of the function, and he will write the queries that match up to the type that I specified.

In order to figure out all of the information about the types that I need, I have had to dig through the database that we have. My understanding of the database has increased, and I now know the kinds of things I need to render this survey page. Now that I clearly understand the database, my role feels a lot easier. I have decided that a lot of the javascript written in the Laravel version of this project will not be needed.

I believe that I will be able to use a combination of C# embedded in html and C# on the model file to successfully render this page. I also believe that the logic that I write in this way will be much more straightforward and less confusing than the Laravel version. But maybe that’s just because I understand myself more.

I look forward to demoing this project to the professors on Monday, and hopefully we have something working to show them. We are still figuring out our workflow here at Disco Tray Studios, so hopefully we are able to bring all of the pieces we have made together to demo a functional application.