Andrew Advancing

Web Frameworks Summary

September 23, 2019 | 1 Minute Read |

Ruby on Rails is a web framework that is powered by the ruby programming language. This framework does a lot of the work for you in the background so there is not much that you need to understand about the SQL side of the code. However, understanding all of the interactions between the views and controllers etc can get complex, especially those new to web frameworks and ruby. Installation is simple and it’s a fast framework if you deal with the garbage collector properly, and it does some simple caching automatically once you create a project. It is past the hight of its popularity, but it is still a very popular framework.

Django is a framework that is very simple to use and easy to learn. It is powered by the python programming language. It is a very versatile framework that can be used to build almost any kind of application. It is the most popular framework in use today.

Flask is another easy to use Python framework. This framework is dependent on other softwares for things like generating a database and having SQL capabilities. It is considered a lightweight framework so one can imagine that it is a user friendly framework.

Express is a web framework that is powered by Node.js. This framework is a very flexible and pluggable framework. It utilizes pug which is a terse language for writing HTML templates. You need node.js to install it onto your computer.

ASP.NET is a web framework that can be powered by any supported .NET programming language. It offers three different frameworks for creating web applications which gives it many different uses. It is developed my Microsoft and so users can rely on it always being up to date with the latest and current software.

Laravel is a web framework that is powered by the PHP programming language. This framework helps developers with the MVC framework much like some of the other frameworks. It has many of the capabilities of a powerful web application already in use when you create a Laravel project such as SQL and caching.