Andrew Advancing

Year Two of Disco Tray Studios

September 04, 2021 | 0 Minute Read |

Year two of Disco Tray Studios has officially begun with the start of this school year at Hendrix College. It is the Fall semester of 2021-22, and classes are just beginning to get rolling.

Disco Tray Studios hosted its first in-person team meeting on Wednesday, August 25th in MC Reynolds. We went over the projects we will be working on this semester such as Good Vibes, the Hendrix Assessment project, various video games, and web projects for new clients.

Right off the bat, we had to update the Disco Tray Studio website to include new members and to move previous members into a new alumni section. I enjoyed this exercise because I hadn’t worked on any jekyll websites in a long time. Last year I didn’t contribute to our official website, so I wasn’t able to work on any of those skills. Jekyll makes styling and layouts so simple and clean. Working on those changes inspired me to do a little work on my own blog website, which is what I’m doing right now.