Andrew Advancing

Diving into PHP

October 02, 2020 | 1 Minute Read |

I am finally done working on My Life in Months, and now it is time to start working on the Hendrix Assessment Project. This project is being completed by Disco Tray Studios for Hendrix College. We are tasked with creating a system for teachers to assess the progress and outcomes of the students in their classes. We also want some admins to be able to look at this data quickly and easily. We are lucky to have much of this project already implemented and thought out for us; however, we must take this already implement Laravel project and transfer it to ASP.NET Core.

This week Ivy and I were tasked with transferring the bulk of the HTML and CSS from the Laravel project. This task turned out to be fairly simple once we learned how to translate some of the PHP code into c#. We were able to get most of the pages, and the navigation between pages, finished and functional. We did not attempt to go through any of the javascript that is written in the javascript project because the team still isn’t sure about how much of the javascript we want to keep, and how much of the javascript can be easily and cleanly converted into c#.

I think sorting through the javascript will be one of the more difficult aspects of this transfer. The reason for this belief is because I think it would be beneficial for us to implement as much of the functionality as we can into c#. Using c# will be really easy for us to interact with the database, and debugging will be much easier due to the tools the Visual Studio IDE gives us. Javascript is more difficult to work with and debug, and I think the only reason we might need to keep it around is for jQuery functionality because I’m not sure if c# is able to manipulate the elements of a webpage.

I’m happy to be working on a more complex project, and I am excited to delve deeper into the vast amounts of javascript that was written for this project.