Andrew Advancing

Custom Templates

September 23, 2019 | 1 Minute Read |

Custom Templates are a great tool to design good looking posts without having to worry too much about designing layout yourself. A part that were new to me was downloading another person’s code off of GitHub and then integrating the code with my own code. This integration was confusing to me because it took some time for me to figure out which parts of my code I needed to keep and which parts I needed to fully replace. It also took me a while to figure out how to edit the css code until I realized that I just needed to change the name of the image I was trying to include to the default image in the website.

I ended up referring to the GitHub website for information on where I should put certain things. After completing the second step, I now realize that there were a lot of things that I made more complicated that should not have been complicated. In the future, if I create a new blog, I will probably start with a template before I create anything on my actual blog. I think that would have made things simpler for me. I look forward to learning more about website building, but I am starting to think that designing layouts is not for me. CSS files seem like huge, hard-to-navigate messes to me. Maybe as I become more familiar with CSS, I will start to enjoy using it more. I am quite glad that templates exist.