Andrew Advancing

Assessment Progress

February 23, 2021 | 1 Minute Read |

We continue to make progress on the Hendrix Assessment website. The bugs on the CSV website continue to exist, but I am getting closer to finding the issue. Maybe I will soon be able to go through the project and clean up the confusing code. However, cleanup is always a much bigger task than it sounds like. I feel like I have learned a lot from working on the Hendrix Assessment project. I have learned that it is very beneficial to write clean code from the very beginning. I believe that if our code was more well split up into classes, that it would take us much less time to find bugs and edit the existing pages. I also think that problems will arise when new developers are brought on to make changes to the code. The only reason I am able to effectively make changes is because I am one of the main developers who implemented a lot of the code.

As I work on the Assessment website, I continue to make numerous little tweaks that I think will make the website more enjoyable to use.

The other members of Disco Tray Studios are making progress on their projects. We have an important meeting coming up with a few Hendrix faculty who would like an educational video game designed for their students. We are all looking forward to interacting with them and finding out what kinds of games they want or need.